When were neon lights invented? That’s a question that most people who recently discovered their love for neon lights tend to ask. And it dives deep into the electrifying history of this dazzling icon that’s been lighting up businesses and art scenes for more than a century.
Neon lights represent a rich blend of science, creativity, and cultural revolution. Anyone who’s fallen in love with these glowing icons would want to understand how far back their history goes, and how they came to captivate the world for generations. Buckle up as we take a deep dive into the history of neon light to help you become a “certified” connoisseur in neon lights.
The Discovery of Barometric Light
Neon sign technology has a long history dating back to 1675, even before electricity was discovered. This was the bright idea of Jean Picard, a French astronomer who observed a mercury barometer tube with a dim glow. Upon shaking the tube, a glow, referred to as Barometric Light appeared. However, at the time, scientists didn’t understand the cause of static electricity (light).
This mystery gave birth to more curiosity and scientists rushed to investigate the cause of the barometric light further. This inspired scientists to come up with different types of lighting.
The Birth of Electric Discharge Lamps
Almost two centuries later, in 1855, scientists invented the Geissler tube, attributed to a German physicist and glassblower, Heinrich Geissler. How relevant was this tube to the invention of neon lights? Well, after the invention of electrical generators, many scientists and inventors at the time started carrying out experiments using the Geissler tube, electricity, and different gases.
It was discovered that upon subjecting the tube to low pressure and applying electrical voltage, the gas in the tube would produce light. After running experiments for many years, by 1900, many different electric discharge lamps were invented in the United States and across Europe. Electric discharge lamps were simply lighting devices with gas trapped in a transparent container that produced light when the gas was energized. This is what formed the foundation for the discovery of the neon sign.
The Birth of Neon Lights: From Elements to Glow

As the idea of glowing energized gas quickly spread, the discovery of neon gas in 1898 further brought the birth of neon lights closer. To conclusively answer the question “When were neon lights invented,” we have to consider the discovery of neon by two British chemists, Sir William Ramsay and Morris Travers. The term “neon” traces its origin from “Neos,” the Greek word for “the new gas.”
Their isolation of neon gas from the air led to the emission of a distinct reddish-orange glow when electrified. That vibrant glow set the stage for what would later become a global phenomenon. In the commercial sense, the invention of neon signs is attributed to the French engineer and chemist, Georges Claude.
In 1910, Claude experimented with the glowing properties of neon and came up with a commercial lighting solution which is one of the fascinating facts about neon element. He passed an electric current through a glass tube containing neon, creating the world’s first neon light. This invention was first showcased at the Paris Motor Show on 11 December 1910 and quickly caught people’s fascination with its stunning luminescence.
He patented his invention on 19 January 1915, and in 1923, Claude through his company, Claude Neon, sold two neon signs to a Los Angeles Packard car dealership. The purchase cost Earle C. Anthony $24,000, making it a status symbol for rich businesses. This paved the way for the quick adoption of neon signs in outdoor advertising as people were amazed by their nostalgic glow and were nicknamed “liquid fire.”
Throughout the 1930s and 1940s, neon lights spread in most major cities around the world. Soon, the neon sign boom went beyond commercial advertising; it became a cultural movement that represented the post-World War I industrial age.
What is Neon Light?
We’ve seen the long history of neon lights and how they came to be an iconic form of lighting worldwide. But what are neon lights really, and how do they work? A neon light is a neon gas filled sealed glass tube and fitted with electrodes on both ends. When a high voltage (up to 15,000 volts) is applied to the electrodes, the neon gas particles become excited, emitting a classic reddish-orange glow.

Neon lights are, however, not limited to this reddish-orange colour. It is possible to have different colours in neon signs using other noble gases, like argon, and elements such as mercury and phosphor coatings. For instance, a mixture of argon with a bit of mercury produces a bright blue glow. With the advancements in technology, today we have LED neon signs that offer a wider array of colours and are more energy efficient.
How Do Neon Lights Work?
To further your knowledge about neon signs, you also need to know how neon lights work. Neon signs work on a principle known as gas discharge. Within the sealed glass tube, there is neon gas under low pressure.
When electricity passes through the gas, its atoms gain energy and enter the “excited” state. The electric current bumps the electrons of the neon atoms to a higher energy level. But since they cannot remain in this state forever, they return to their original state and release energy in the form of light.
Different gases produce a different colour of glow. We’ve already seen that neon gas emits a warm red-orange glow. Other gases such as krypton, helium, and xenon also have their distinct colours. Since these gases don’t react with any other element, they’re practically safe to work with, except for when the tube contains elements such as mercury.
The Decline of Neon Lights and Recent Revival through LED Neon Lights
Neon signs were majorly reserved for affluent businesses at the time, so not everyone could afford them. By the 1960s, cheaper and more energy-efficient alternatives such as fluorescent lighting entered the market, giving neon lights stiff competition. The mid-20th century saw a gradual decline in the popularity of neon lights as many businesses went for less expensive signage options. However, neon lights never faded away entirely.

The recent years have welcomed a major revival of neon lights. Artists and designers have embraced neon for its nostalgic, vintage feel and its ability to make bold visual statements. Modern LED neon lights have been a major contributor to the revival of neon lights.
The first commercial application of LED neon signs was in 1962 and for liquid crystal displays (LCD) was in 1968. These two technologies marked an important shift in the entire signage landscape. While traditional glass neon signs are still cherished for their nostalgic glow, more businesses are shifting towards modern LED neon lights for their benefits such as energy efficiency and ease of customization. Today, LED neon signs are common in restaurants, clubs, homes, and events such as birthdays and weddings.
Modern LEDs: The New Glow That’s Changing the Game
As far as modern LED neon signs are concerned, when were neon lights invented? Well, LED neon signs were first commercialised in 1962, but they didn’t take over until the early 2000s. This was also the time when light-emitting diode (LED) technology recorded major advancements, paving the way for the creation of more efficient, durable, and versatile LED neon signs.
Due to the cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency of LED, innovators saw the need to create vibrant and flexible lighting that could mimic the traditional neon lights without the drawbacks. Modern LED neon lights are made from flexible, bendable materials such as silicone or PVC. They’re safer, easier to install, and be moulded into intricate designs.
By the 2010s, the popularity of LED neon signs had taken over commercial spaces, events, and home décor, bringing the classic appeal of neon to the modern world.
Why Choose Modern LED Neon Signs Over Traditional Glass Tube Neon Lights?
If you’re in search of a neon sign to transform your business or home’s ambience, why should you choose the modern LED versions?
Energy Efficiency

If you’re worried about paying huge electricity bills from the use of neon signs, the LED types offer more energy efficiency, making them a better alternative. LED neon lights use a low-voltage system that needs much less power to run, which means lower energy bills and a smaller carbon footprint. This is especially beneficial if you advocate for sustainability.
Low Maintenance and Durability
The construction of LED neon signs from flexible and robust materials such as PVC or silicone makes them more durable and less likely to break even when installed in high-traffic areas. Since they also don’t have the risk of gas leaks or high-voltage hazards, LED neon signs are safe to use in any space. Their durability of up to 50,000 hours means you won't have to deal with frequent replacements, saving you money and time on maintenance.
Colour Variety and Customization
Other than knowing the answer to the question, “When were neon lights invented,” it pays to know a few more things such as the flexibility of customisation of neon lights, particularly the LED type. The traditional glass neon signs are limited in terms of colour variations since they rely on the mixing of gases and other elements like mercury.
LED neon signs, on the other hand, can emit virtually any colour you can ever think of. Most of these modern versions come with remote control options or smartphone apps to allow users to customize the colours, brightness and light patterns to match the mood at any event or space.
Ideal for Indoor and Outdoor Use
This is probably one of the biggest perks of LED neon signs. If you want one that can withstand weather elements, there are plenty of options to choose from, such as these bar and cafe neon signs. This makes them suitable for indoor and outdoor use without worrying about weather-related damage.
To conclusively answer our starting question: when were neon lights invented? The journey started as early as 1675 with the invention of barometric light. However, the actual invention of commercial neon signs happened in 1910, attributed to Georges Claude. Since their invention, neon lights have come a long way to light up our lives in new creative ways.
With the entry of modern LED neon signs in the market, the glow of neon lights is still as captivating as it was back then. It’s a mix of science and art that the world today cherishes, reminding us that a little bit of light can make all the difference in our homes, businesses, and events.