Are Neon Signs Dangerous

Are Neon Signs Dangerous

Are neon signs dangerous? Can they catch fire or cause electrical shocks? Most neon signs dangers are myths. These advertising signs are reliable if you obtain them from a renowned manufacturer. However, mishandling, and neglecting maintenance and repair can make even the finest neon signs hazardous.

If you need neon signs but have concerns about their potential dangers, keep reading this article. It explores the potential risks of neon signs and offers tips for safeguarding yourself.

Are Neon Signs Dangerous? – Potential Risks to Your Respiratory Health

A neon sign consists of glass tubing filled with neon and argon gases. Neon gas produces a lovely reddish-orange glow, while argon gas emits a pale blue light. Manufacturers choose assorted colors of glass tubes and the two gases to create a wide assortment of neon signs.

They also bend and coil these glass tubes into desirable designs. Although most people love these charming designs, they raise concerns about the gases. They feel that exposure to these gases can trigger respiratory problems. So, are neon signs dangerous due to gases?

Neon and argon are inert gases whose traces are already in the atmosphere. Exposure to them at elevated levels can trigger asphyxiation issues. Luckily, neon sign producers minimize this risk by sealing these gases inside glass tubing. 

If you switch on the electric current, these gases ooze in lesser amounts that cannot harm your respiratory health. Thus, the risk of exposure to prominent levels of neon and argon gases is low when using neon lights. 

Nevertheless, exposure to elevated levels of gas depends on how you handle your neon signs. If you neglect their maintenance and repair, you can potentially breathe in neon and argon gases in excessive amounts. As you search for the best neon signs, ensure you know the production, installation, and maintenance guidelines from the industry standards and government.

Neon Signs and Electric Shock

Neon Signs and Electric Shock

Are neon signs dangerous when connected to electricity? Some people want to know if these signs can trigger electric shocks. Neon signs run using electricity. You can only run the risk of electrocution if your neon signs are too old and neglected. 

Manufacturers make glass tubes with non-conductive raw materials and seal them well. It makes it impossible for you to touch the electric current directly. Besides, neon signs have a transformer for reducing the electricity voltage to a level considered safe for users. 

Are neon signs dangerous and prone to electrical malfunction when exposed to water? Placing the neon signs far from water is another way to avoid damage to the electrical components inside the glass tubing. If these sustain damage, the neon sign can be dangerous to handle due to possible electrocution. 

Besides, some neon lights boast low-quality materials that succumb to damage too fast. Cracked glass tubes can allow environmental elements like water to seep inside, which might result in electrical accidents. So, is neon dangerous to touch? It is safe to touch a neon sign unless it has cracks and non-insulated wires, and you have no safety tools. 

Dangers from Fallen Neon Signs

Neon signs are fragile because of the glass tubing design. If you tamper with them aimlessly, they could fall and break. For instance, hanging bulky things from neon signs or installing them where there are intense winds could cause abrupt falls and breakages.

So, are neon signs dangerous in this context? No, the problem is mishandling the signs that are already working correctly. If the glass breaks, the fragments could pierce your skin and cause an injury. Fallen neon signs can potentially damage properties. 

If a light slides out of its mounting system, it could damage anything it bangs on. Although the glass tubes used to manufacture neon signs are sturdy, they can break if you subject them to excessive force. Instead, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for handling neon signs when inspecting them for signs of damage or when re-installing them. 

Neon signs and Fire Hazards

Neon signs and Fire Hazards

Are neon signs dangerous for fire hazards? Neon signs cannot trigger fire hazards unless the gases inside the glass tubing come into contact with a spark or a flame. If your neon signs have a robust design and you inspect them regularly, they cannot ignite and trigger a fire. 

Are neon signs a fire hazard when old? The glass tube may be faulty if your signs are old and neglected. A broken or cracked glass tube can allow neon and argon gases to escape into the atmosphere. If these gases meet an open fire, a spark, or flammable material on their way out, they can explode into a fire.

Another cause of gas leakage is poor installation or lack of continuous inspection and maintenance. The connections between the electricity source and the glass tube should be tight. If not, the gases inside the tubing could leak and potentially trigger a fire. To avoid the risk of a fire, here is what to do: 

  • Remove flammable objects anywhere near the neon signs.
  • Do not expose neon signs to high temperatures.
  • Inspect your neon signs often to capture signs of damage in time. 
  • Repair broken neon signs when you notice them to avoid forgetting and triggering unnecessary hazards.
  • Replace old neon signs instead of repairing them repeatedly.

Neon signs prone to fire require specific professional tools and appliances. Thus, call a professional to help maintain and repair your neon signs. 

Neon Signs and Environmental Safety

Are neon signs dangerous for the surroundings? People are more conscious about environmental conservation these days. They want to avoid pollutants and practices that can lead to environmental degradation. 

Manufacturers of neon signs take stern measures to prevent environmental pollution when making glass tubes and filling them with gases. They also use eco-friendly construction methods and recyclable raw materials to create their products.

As a result, most neon signs do not pollute the environment. Neon and argon gases stay in tightly sealed glass tubes and cannot escape unless the tubes break. When a well-installed and maintained neon sign functions, it poses no danger to the environment. However, how wisely we dispose of damaged neon signs matters.

Neon Signs and Environmental Safety

Throwing them anywhere outdoors means that the gas inside the tubes could leak and trigger environmental pollution. The best way to handle broken neon signs is to recycle the glass tubes and other renewable components inside. Further, a broken neon sign dangerous injuries can happen if we leave these damaged lights lying around the surroundings. 

How Safe are Old Neon Lights? 

Are neon signs dangerous when old? The old and damaged neon signs can be safe depending on how you handle them. When using old neon signs, you might encounter these risks:

  • Malfunction and Poor Performance – Like other appliances, old neon signs may malfunction and work poorly over time. Damaged components may trigger accidents like fires, electrocution, injuries, etc. 
  • Gas Leaks – Old and worn-out neon signs may have cracks and holes that might cause gas leakage. As earlier noted, exposure to high levels of neon and argon gases can lead to respiratory issues. 
  • Exposure to Toxic Materials – Are neon signs dangerous because of toxic chemicals? Some traditional neon signs might contain toxic materials like mercury. These materials can damage the environment and human health if you dispose of old signs irresponsibly. 

Are neon signs dangerous if I keep using them? To continue using old neon signs safely, ensure regular inspections and repairs. Minimize injuries by consulting a professional neon sign contractor. If the lights are too broken to repair, just replace them. Lastly, comply with the current industry standards and government regulations to ensure everyone’s safety. 

Neon Signs Safety When Left On

Are neon lights safe to leave on? Whether to switch on neon signs for twenty-four hours or turn them off after closing business is a worry for most users. According to neon sign manufacturers, you should leave them on throughout. But are neon signs dangerous if left on for hours? The answer is no. By switching them on always, you can enjoy the following benefits:

Neon Signs Safety When Left On
  • You will not pay inflated energy bills - Since neon lights consume about sixty to one hundred Watts; they are energy-efficient and affordable.
  • Your neon lights will last longer - Although hard to believe, leaving your neon signs on throughout can increase their life. Experts argue that plugging in and out your neon signs often can wear them off.
  • Neon lights will not get excessively hot - Some people believe that neon lights can get too hot to touch if left on for hours. This leads us to the next question: are neon signs hot? Neon lights have transformers that regulate the amount of voltage that ignites the gases. They get slightly hot but cannot burn you if you touch them.
  • Neon lights cause no noise pollution – Are neon signs dangerous and noisy when running for hours? These signs operate quietly and cannot disrupt workers even if they stay on for twenty hours. 


1.  Are neon lights expensive?

Neon lights are costly to produce due to the high prices of construction materials. Manufacturers sell them expensively to recover their money. Also, neon signs are expensive to maintain and handle. 

2.  Are neon lights bad for your eyes? 

Are neon signs dangerous for your vision? Like other lighting fixtures, neon lights can damage your eyes. However, this can only happen if you stare at them for hours. If you work in a place with these lights, take regular eye breaks to prevent vision damage.

3.  Can I install neon signs outside?

Are neon signs dangerous for outdoor installation? Neon signs are ideal for indoor use. However, you can install a neon sign outdoors if suitable for that purpose. A neon light for outdoor use must offer some insulation against weather damage. 

4.  Can my neon sign explode? 

Neon signs are too safe to explode. Nonetheless, if you fail to maintain your neon sign often, the gas inside could escape into the atmosphere. The light could explode if it meets a combustible material, an open flame, or a spark. A scenario like this is so rare. 


Are neon signs dangerous? The answer is no if you take precautions when selecting, installing, handling, and maintaining neon signs. These signs are safe to touch unless they are defective and have loose electrical components. When inspecting old neon signs, be cautious not to injure yourself. Else, seek professional help.

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